Thursday, July 26, 2012

Time flies...

I haven't posted in two weeks.  I kept thinking, "I really need to update my blog" and then life happened and here I am two weeks later.  The baby is entertained with his toys currently so I'm going to attempt to write this post in the time it takes for him to lose interest in his current toy and seek Mommy out.

Well let's see what has happened in the last two weeks...

Weight - I haven't weighed in a few days, but after I was sure that I had gained from eating out and being on the run, I apparently have maintained.  Like I said, I haven't weighed in a few days so that may have changed.  I'm really just trying to be conscious of what goes in my mouth and eating in moderation.  Where I mess it all up is in the pop.  Gawd....I love Pepsi!!!  Asking me to rid myself of pop is like asking me to cut my leg off.  Not ready for that just yet.

Cade - It's been a whirlwind of party planning here.  The invitations have gone out.  Slowly but surely the party supplies are being purchased.  And I'm getting excited!  Then part of me goes...but my baby is turning one!  Where has time gone??

Job hunt - UGH! UGH! UGH!  I just want to scream and yell "do you know what you are missing out on????" to all of the districts that are failing to even consider me for an interview.  Seriously.  I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I am a damn good teacher and you are missing out.  I can't really thinking of a good, valid reasons why I can't find a job other than the economy sucks and the budget cuts have finally began to affect me.  *Sigh*  I should of never left my job, but here we thought we were making a good decision by moving to Kansas City to eliminate Kyle's commute.  I mean, we were paying the equivalent of our rent payment in gas and toll!  So I guess if nothing pans out come the start of school in a few weeks, I am subbing.  Not what I want to do, but I guess that's life.

In other news, Cade and I are sitting here watching the "The 15 Most Awesomest Boy Bands" and yes, the Backstreet Boys are number 1!  I was a diehard fan and I still can sing every song when I hear it.  So what did I do?  I pulled up the video to "I Want It That Way" on YouTube and my precious baby loved it!  And when the video stopped and began buffering, he threw himself down in a mini fit because the music stopped.  Yes, he is so my child.  Here is a picture of him enjoying BSB.

Friday, July 13, 2012

No Job...Yet

Happy Friday the 13th!  I didn't even realize it was Friday the 13th until just now and its nearly 3PM in the afternoon.  Oh well.  I don't believe in such silly superstitions anyway.

Well, I'm still jobless.  I've decided that if no job prospect is offered to me by the end of this month, I will start putting in apps to be a substitute teacher.  That will help me get my name out there, right?  Not gonna lie, it sucks.  I don't want to just be a substitute teacher.  I didn't go to school for five years to be a sub, but at this point in life, that is what I have to do.  I can't afford not to work (gotta pay those dang student loans!).  I just keep reminding myself that I quit my recent job for a good reason.  We were financially strapped with my husband commuting up to two hours a day and paying toll.  He essentially was spending one entire paycheck a month on just commuting.  That's a huge chunk.  And I'll be honest, I just really didn't think it would be this hard to find a new job.  But there is something I always keep in mind, no matter how bad the "storm" gets, God will guide me to calmer waters.  I must simply be patient and put my trust in him.  He WILL provide.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Things are a changing...

First, I am 5 pounds lighter!  Since I started my journey of watching my calorie intake almost two and a half weeks ago, I'm seeing results.  It feels so good! 

In other news, I am sticking to Cade's new bedtime routine and for three nights now, he has gone to bed semi-awake without a bottle (I feed and rock him prior to putting him in his crib) and he has gone to sleep on his own!  Tonight, I didn't even have him cry and fuss for me to pick him back up! YES!  Now, if I could just figure out why he wants to wake up in the middle of the night...

I'm super happy with the way things are going.  I only need to find a job, but I'd rather not be a Debbie Downer and ruin my happy post with that.

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

The Happiest Baby

This story starts with a prayer I said last night.  I was, yet again, attempting to get Cade to sleep and was fighting a battle with him.  I was feeling frustrated because I knew that I had created bad habits months ago when he was just a few months old that involve him being rocked until he is asleep or taking a bottle to bed to help him fall asleep.  Both I had been warned not to do, but the mother in me couldn't bear to let her child "cry it out".  Last night, I sent up a prayer to God that sounded something like this, "God, help my baby find peace so that he may sleep.  Help me figure out how to help him sleep."  Then today as Cade and I were waiting for our library class to start, we were perusing the "New Books" shelf and a book caught my eye, The Happiest Baby Guide to Great Sleep by Harvey Karp, M.D.  I had heard of the book and had read some great reviews about Dr. Karp and at this point, I was desperate.  I pulled the book off the shelf and stuck it in my bag to check it out.  Upon arriving home and as soon as Cade was down for a nap, I found myself reading the book, absorbing its every word.  While I am still not currently done with the book, I was excited for bedtime because I had learned some new tools to try and I wanted to see if it would work!

Here is a brief rundown of what I've learned so far:
  • "Crying it out" is ineffective.  If your baby wants to be comforted, pick them up and comfort them.  Just make sure you put them back to bed while they are still awake.
  • Putting them to bed with a bottle is a "no-no".  It is not teaching your child how to self-soothe themselves back to sleep.
  • White noise is needed!  This can be lullabies or a comforting sound.
  • A bedtime routine is NEEDED!  This involves many things:
    • Reducing lights and sounds (No TV!) an hour before bed.
    • Your child should be dressed and diaper changed a half hour prior to bed.
    • Spend time with your child doing quiet activities such as quiet play or reading books.  It is okay to rock your child and give them a bottle before bed!  Just don't put them to bed after they fall asleep and do not let them take a bottle to bed! 
This is what Cade's bedtime routine looked like tonight:
  1. At 7:00PM, we took a bath.
  2. By 7:25PM, he was bathed, lotioned up, and dressed.   I lotioned him up with Johnson's Vanilla Oatmeal lotion using a bit of massaging touches to help calm him.
  3. We played together with blocks (quiet play) until about 7:35PM.
  4. After quiet play, we sat together in the rocking chair and read our library books.
  5. At 7:45PM, I made his nightly bottle, bundled him up in his quilt, and gave him is lovey, a small tag blanket.  I rocked him, sang lullabies, and talked quietly to him as he ate his bottle.
  6. Following his bottle, I put him in his bed.  He was still awake and did not take to this too well at first.  Using Dr. Karp's suggestion, when he became upset, I picked him up and rocked him until he calmed down and was close to falling asleep again.  Then I put him back in his bed awake.  It took about four tries of putting him to bed and then having to pick him back up to comfort him until he finally laid in his bed and fell asleep without being in my arms.
It is now nearly two hours later and he has yet to wake up!  This is an accomplishment so far since he has woken up these past few nights about an hour after he was put to bed screaming because Mommy was no where to be found.  AND we went to sleep in the crib with no bottle!

I feel like I am selling the book and maybe I am, but I'm already impressed with how well Cade did after one night after trying a new bedtime routine.  I admit, I was that mom guilty of having the TV on while getting him ready for bed before tonight.  I was guilty of putting him to bed overtired at times in hopes he would sleep longer at night.  I was guilty of rocking him to sleep and them putting him in his crib.  I was guilty of giving him a bottle in his crib and letting that put him to sleep.  Dr. Karp's book inspired to me to try harder at helping my child find peace at bedtime.  And honestly, I didn't just happen upon that book today at the library.  God put it there for me to find.

I'll keep you posted on how our new routine goes over the next few weeks and I hope that I continue to sing the praises of this book.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Random five...or three

Wow. Time got away from me. I haven't updated in almost a week. So I'm going to do a random 5 to update you!

1. Money is the root of all evil. I've been feeling pretty stressed about money here lately. Mostly because we are moving in a few months and I fear we are not ready financially. I sometimes feel like its a struggle to get anything done with my husband because he is gone all the time working nights and then he is a typical man. Talking to him about money is like pulling teeth! But the reality is, we are moving in a few months and I'm still currently jobless so we need to prepare.

2. I'm still working on my weight loss. As of tonight, I am down 2.8 lbs. It was more but I gave in way too much this past weekend. Anyone notice how dang expensive it is to eat healthy??? Insane. Really.

3. Cade has started grinding his teeth. Any suggestions?? I've been trying to distract him by giving him things to chew on and that seems to help a bit. I think it's a result of his front teeth working their way in and this might be his way of dealing with the pain. Hopefully it is just a phase!

 4. .... Okay maybe it's just a random three tonight. I am updating from my phone tonight and I'm not enjoying the small keyboard so I'm going to end it here. Night!

Monday, July 2, 2012

A Quick Update

Keeping it short and sweet as I just want to get to bed and read.  My current reading is "The Kane Chronicles: The Red Pyramid" by Rick Riordan.  If you loved Percy Jackson and the Olympians, give this series a try!

In other news...I have lost weight!  It's most likely from the drastic cut in calories as well as my Pepsi drinking that has done the job, but I will take it!