Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Good Day...

Today has been a great day.  I really want to write a whole blog post about it, but I told myself that I wasn't telling too many people for fear that I would jinx myself.  Yes, I'm superstitious like that.  So, HOPEFULLY, later this week I will have good news for you all.  If not, well then that's because God has decided he has a better plan for me.  Until next time...toodles!

Monday, August 6, 2012

Random 5...and This Time I actually Got to 5!

Man...I stink at this updating thing!  I really need to stay on it more.  For reals.

Anyhow, here is my random 5 updates to bring you up to speed...

1.  Still no job.  However several districts had many openings posted today and I applied like crazy.  I'm really trying hard not to let it get me down, but no lie, its hard not to shed a few tears.  So prayers would be greatly appreciated.  At this point, I'd take anything.

2.  My little baby turns a year old on Sunday!  We have been going crazy getting ready for his party and I'm so excited!  We are having a hot diggity dog party (Mickey Mouse Clubhouse style) complete with a hot dog bar and everything.  I plan to dedicate a whole post to the party.  My crafty decor is too awesome not to share!

3.  I fell off the "weight loss" wagaon.  It's frustrating.  You just want to live life and not be hindered by "should I eat this?" or "Do I have enough calories left?".  But then I think about how nice it would be to healthy for my child and husband so that I can spend many more years with them.  If anything, I just need to be healthy!  The actual size is not what matters in the end.  So today, I got back on the wagon.  The good news, I didn't gain back the five pounds I lose before falling off the wagon!

4.  I rejoined facebook. I decided I missed interacting with my friends.  But I will warn you, if you cause drama for me, I'll delete you.  If you go crazy posting your political/moral/humorous photos, I will delete you.  If you use it as a way to bully others, I will delete you.  My facebook is MINE and I refuse to put up with such crap anymore.

5.  My latest read is The Girl Who Played with Fire by Stieg Larsson.  After three tries, I finally started getting into the story line.  But it is still a hard read at times.  The author is brilliant and has a great plot, characters, and what not, but boy, I can't take the horror of the situations at times or deal with the graphic scenes all the times.  I've been reading it here and there to keep myself sane.  You're probably thinking, then why would I want to read this?  Because it's still a damn good book.  Trust me on that.

Okay, that does it for my updates.  Someone please make sure I update more often!