Thursday, July 26, 2012

Time flies...

I haven't posted in two weeks.  I kept thinking, "I really need to update my blog" and then life happened and here I am two weeks later.  The baby is entertained with his toys currently so I'm going to attempt to write this post in the time it takes for him to lose interest in his current toy and seek Mommy out.

Well let's see what has happened in the last two weeks...

Weight - I haven't weighed in a few days, but after I was sure that I had gained from eating out and being on the run, I apparently have maintained.  Like I said, I haven't weighed in a few days so that may have changed.  I'm really just trying to be conscious of what goes in my mouth and eating in moderation.  Where I mess it all up is in the pop.  Gawd....I love Pepsi!!!  Asking me to rid myself of pop is like asking me to cut my leg off.  Not ready for that just yet.

Cade - It's been a whirlwind of party planning here.  The invitations have gone out.  Slowly but surely the party supplies are being purchased.  And I'm getting excited!  Then part of me goes...but my baby is turning one!  Where has time gone??

Job hunt - UGH! UGH! UGH!  I just want to scream and yell "do you know what you are missing out on????" to all of the districts that are failing to even consider me for an interview.  Seriously.  I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I am a damn good teacher and you are missing out.  I can't really thinking of a good, valid reasons why I can't find a job other than the economy sucks and the budget cuts have finally began to affect me.  *Sigh*  I should of never left my job, but here we thought we were making a good decision by moving to Kansas City to eliminate Kyle's commute.  I mean, we were paying the equivalent of our rent payment in gas and toll!  So I guess if nothing pans out come the start of school in a few weeks, I am subbing.  Not what I want to do, but I guess that's life.

In other news, Cade and I are sitting here watching the "The 15 Most Awesomest Boy Bands" and yes, the Backstreet Boys are number 1!  I was a diehard fan and I still can sing every song when I hear it.  So what did I do?  I pulled up the video to "I Want It That Way" on YouTube and my precious baby loved it!  And when the video stopped and began buffering, he threw himself down in a mini fit because the music stopped.  Yes, he is so my child.  Here is a picture of him enjoying BSB.

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